Leadership is accepting responsibility to create positive change
He was born into a middle class family and his parents had worked hard to save money for his college. Michael was very excited as he wrote his final year exams and, was even more excited a few months later when he discovered that he had graduated with honors. His Dad had promised him a special gift if he graduated with honors. Very proud of himself, Michael called his Dad and asked for the special gift. “It’s in your room”, his Dad replied. Michael rushed home, ran upstairs to his room, flung his door open and went straight for the sealed package on his bed. He tore it open and was very disappointed when he saw that the gift was a Bible. Disappointed he flung the book across the room, stormed out of the house in anger and for the next 20 years refused to speak with his Dad.
One day, Michael got a call that his Dad had died of a sudden heart attack. He made out time to attend the funeral after which he went back to the family house to see it one more time. He walked up to his previous room and, was surprised to notice that the Bible gift he was given more than 20 years ago was still where he left it. He picked it up and as he shook the dust off the book, a key dropped to the floor. He picked up the key and read the attached tag: “ Your key to a new mercedes benz. Congratulations on graduating with honors. Proud of you son!...Your Dad”
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them--yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me…1 Cor 15:10
One of the most important lessons I keep learning as a person of faith is that God’s Grace is available to help me as a leader. However, I’ve also learned that the fact something is freely available does not mean that I will receive it automatically. I need to seek for and respond properly to the available free gift. I need to continuously position myself properly to receive God’s grace - for salvation, restoration, healing, ministry. It is completely free but, requires the right response in order to tap into or receive it.
The following are seven things I try to do daily to help me tap into God’s Grace:
- Talk to God in the morning
- Apologize to God for areas where I’ve missed it and ask for help to do better
- Study the bible to know more about God and His promises to me
- Look for an opportunity to love others around me without any strings attached
- Look for an opportunity to add value to those around me so that the Grace I received is used to help others.
- Ask for Grace to achieve all the things I’ve been called to do
- Obey the leadings of God’s Spirit in my heart
I must confess that sometimes I fail to do all of the aforementioned but I don’t stop trying because I know my Father in heaven is merciful and faithful.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Phil 4:13
You Are Unique
This is where I share my thoughts, ideas and learnings on Leadership and Innovation. You can also follow me on twitter - @PatrickEgbunonu