Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Make Yourself Invaluable at Work

I came across an article on5 ways to make yourself invaluable at work. You can access the article by clicking on the link below:

One of the ways mentioned in the article is "Having a Good Attitude". I think this is top of the cream when it comes to adding value to your company.

Skills can be taught, experiences are gained over time, but attitude is a choice. We can choose to complain or to learn. We can choose to smile or to frown. We can choose to be friendly or not to be. We might not have a choice over how other people respond to us or how our environment pans out, but, we have a choice on how to respond to people or our environment.

I once had an opportunity to hire a highly skilled and talented individual for a position in a company. One of the things that discouraged me from hiring this individual was the attitude I saw. Bad attitude is like cancer, it starts small but can spread to the rest of the organization if not nipped in the bud.

How has your attitude been lately? Never forget that it is a choice. No matter how skilled or intelligent one is, a wrong attitude will get them no-where...

You Are Truly Unique...


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